Welcome to the two worlds studio

The online book builder that enables creators to make their own printable personalised books and journals and sell them globally on the two worlds marketplace.
- 70% of earnings
- no upfront investment
- no monthly fees
Personalised books are more engaging, inclusive, provide fantastic quality time and make wonderful keepsake gifts.
You might've even seen a few publishers selling hundreds of thousands of personalised books every year at much higher prices. That's because customers really love them. But creating and selling personalised books is a huge technical and logistical challenge.
That's why we’ve made it our mission to build a platform that enables anyone to bring their own personalised books to the world. Whether you’re thinking about creating something new, on a topic you've always been passionate about, or would like to adapt the content you've already got, publishing your printed personalised book with two worlds is a child’s play.
We've set 2 clear objectives when we decided to open up our technology and build the two worlds marketplace:
1. Create a unique place where customers from all over the world can discover and buy personalised books, magazines and journals on a wide range of topics and for all ages
2. Offer a great business opportunity to indie creators and traditional publishers alike
Our platform is powered by a super flexible engine that can make any element of your book customisable. That's anything from defining the number of personalisable avatars and their features to background visuals and text. Customers can then choose and preivew all these different options in realtime, before they buy.
When an order is placed, your full book is automatically rendered as a PDF and sent to one of our partners who print and ship it in as little as 48h. So you don't have to worry about anything else!